The Kansas Constitutional

May 2023

The Pledge of Allegiance is creepy and problematic

Some people don’t like the Pledge of Allegiance because they don’t believe that there is “liberty and justice for all” in America. Some don’t like it because they don’t believe in God, and don’t like that it says, “under God.” Some might be completely for the pledge and think that it’s unpatriotic or downright un-American …

The Pledge of Allegiance is creepy and problematic Read More »

These were NEVER meant to be rights (and that’s a good thing)

As someone who has taken the dive into politics, I have come across a lot of people on both sides who have said things that, in my opinion, are extremely questionable. Both sides believe that certain things are “rights” and therefore demand government intervention thus making the government bigger, more powerful, and yes, more in …

These were NEVER meant to be rights (and that’s a good thing) Read More »

What are “Assault Weapons”?

Recently, anti-gun activists and political leaders like President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris have been using the terms, “assault weapon” and “assault rifle” when speaking on restricting the right to self-defense. However, what really are “assault weapons” and “assault rifles” and how do we define them? Nazi Propaganda and a Made-up Term As it turns out, the term …

What are “Assault Weapons”? Read More »

Kansas continues battle with ‘Roe Rule’ as Convention of States fails to pass

Final Action in the Kansas House and Senate occurred on Wednesday, March 22, 2023, and while the Kansas Rules Committee had agreed to axe the ‘Roe Rule’ back in January of this year, it ultimately did not come to fruition. The ‘Roe Rule’ was devised to stop a convention of states from overturning the Roe v. Wade …

Kansas continues battle with ‘Roe Rule’ as Convention of States fails to pass Read More »

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