The Kansas Constitutional

Prayer Activism Movement calls every state to stand at their Capital on one day

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Topeka, KS, April 13th, 2024 1-3 pm CST – The grassroots #DontMessWithOurKids movement has issued a “Call to the Capitols” – a call to stand and pray at every state capitol and DC on April 13, 2024. The movement states, “We’ve lost the right to govern our children’s medical care, the right to raise them up in sexual purity, the right to worship, and the right to freedom of speech. Enough is enough!” We are calling on the American church to pray, fast, and stand in opposition to these injustices.

“People might be unaware of where we are as a nation,” said one of the organizers, “we are in the last stand for America. We have had enough! The attack on our kids has gone too far!” We believe strongly in the power of prayer. All those who wish to stand and intercede for the nation and its children are invited to attend. The event for Kansas will be held at the state capital building in Topeka on the south steps and includes prayer, communion, and reformation strategies. For more information and to get involved, visit

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