
What is The Kansas Constitutional?

We are a next-generation multi-media hub with a focus reporting on news in Kansas and providing commentary that does not discriminate against either side of the political spectrum. We have no interest in shilling for a political party, as we work to shrink government and protect individual liberty in the state of Kansas.

How you can help support us

There are many ways to support The Kansas Constitutional. We spend countless hours researching and writing content to keep people informed about social and political issues in Kansas. While we wish to keep most of our articles free, it is through monetary tips via buymeacoffee.com/kscon that we are able to continue doing what we do. This link can be found at the bottom of our articles and supports our efforts to provide independent journalism in Kansas.

There is also a number of ways that help us out for free. Our supporters are also our best advertisers. People are more likely to check out our content when we are referred to by someone they know and trust. Please be sure to share our articles and tell your friends and family of the work we do here at The Kansas Constitutional.


Ian Brannan Headshot

Ian Brannan


Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who has written for such publications as Emporia Gazette, Branson Globe, Baldwin City Living Magazine, GE Magazine, The Oakland Express, and JaCo Lifestyle. He founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022 with the intention of providing news and commentary to Kansans that could make a positive impact for individual liberty in the Free State. His work focuses on issues including 2A, abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more.

Email: ksconstitutional@gmail.com

Cell: 620.931.8357 (text is best)

Emily Brannan

Historian/Staff Writer

Emily Brannan is a born and raised Kansan. She graduated from Haven High School in 2012 and gained a love of history from her parents and family vacations that always included museums or historical locations. Graduating from Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, MO with a Bachelor of Arts in History with a minor in American Studies, she is now a historian, writer, and researcher.

Emily Brannan
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