The Kansas Constitutional

Harrison Butker of the KC Chiefs draws attention at White House with prolife statement

Photo from LIVE ACTION: KC Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker poses with the 2023 Super Bowl trophy while wearing a prolife tie and baby feet lapel pin.

On Monday, June 5, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly tweeted out about her recent visit to the White House after the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl.

While Gov. Kelly, who recently vetoed prolife bills like the ‘Born-Alive Infants Protection Act‘ met with and took pictures with President Joe Biden, another person, Harrison Butker, was also their.

President Biden invited the Kansas City Chiefs to the White House after winning the Super Bowl. Butker, who kicked the game winning field goal, took this opportunity to “highlight the forgotten of our society” by partnering with LIVE ACTION in creating a custom tie that he wore with his suit. The tie said “Vulnerari Praesidio,” Latin for “Protect the most vulnerable.” The tie was accompanied by a baby feet lapel pin.

Biden, a baptized and professing Catholic, has been outspoken on his support for abortion and the Biden Administration has been the most pro-abortion administration in our nation’s history.

“I want to give the most vulnerable, the unborn, a voice at a place where every effort has been made to allow and normalize the tragic termination of their lives,” said Butker the day after the White House visit. “As a father who has experienced three miscarriages, my wife and I understand the hardships that come with losing a child. Every life is precious and should be valued whether outside or inside the womb.”

Students For Life posted the following to their Instagram:

“Joe Biden hosted The Chiefs at the White House after winning the Super Bowl.

Two-time Catholic Super Bowl champ @buttkicker7 photo-bombed Joe with a pro-life message stitched right into his custom tie.

In Latin it reads Vulnerari Praesidio, PROTECT THE MOST VULNERABLE. ❤️”

The post, which currently has nearly 33,000 likes at the time of publishing, was met with a lot of people thanking Butker for standing up for pre-born babies and “real Catholic values.

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Ian Brannan

Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022. His work focuses on issues including abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more. He is also the co-host of the Rainbow Rabble-Rousers podcast.

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