The Kansas Constitutional

I have COVID

PHOTO CREDIT IAN BRANNAN: Ian Brannan gives a thumbs up while sitting in bed recovering from COVID.

Yesterday, I typically publish paid subscriber only content to my Substack. I did not do that this past Friday, and I want to briefly explain why; and from the title, you can probably guess.

On Thursday (when I write Friday’s article), I had mentioned to Dr. Justin Spiehs that I was feeling exhausted during the recording of our podcast ‘Remember COVID.’ I didn’t think anything of this at the time, as I had been working with autistic kids the day prior, and thought they had just worn me down. I ended up getting a sore throat later that night, and instead of writing after I had finished editing and uploading the podcast, I ended up falling asleep.

The next day, I was still tired, I still had a sore throat, and now I had a stuffed and runny nose. I don’t have allergies this time of year, so I started thinking that maybe I do have something.

Last night, a friend I hung out with on Monday and Tuesday informed me that he had COVID and had been feeling bad the remainder of the week after I had left. He is feeling much better now, meaning he only felt bad for a few days, but he tested positive on Friday.

I have found that I also have COVID. I am not writing this for alarmism, but simply to give an explanation as to why I didn’t write anything for Friday. As a typically healthy 28-year-old, I don’t feel any need to go to the hospital as it just feels like a bad cold. I’m going to look on the bright side, which is, if this is the new strain, I won’t need the vaccine as I will already have immunity (that’s a joke. I wasn’t going to get it anyway).

I still have a sore throat, a runny and stuffed nose, and I still feel tired. I have also noticed today that I am dizzy when I stand and can no longer taste or smell. I am fighting this sickness by staying in bed, drinking hot peppermint tea with honey, plenty of water, ibuprofen, chicken noodle soup, and hot showers. I have had to cancel my weekend plans which included a party and an interview for Monday’s article. I will still be coming out with an article for Monday as there is so much to write about.

With all this being said, be sure to wash your hands, drink plenty of water, and have a safe and wonderful Labor Day Weekend.

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Ian Brannan

Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022. His work focuses on issues including abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more. He is also the co-host of the Remember COVID podcast.

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