The Kansas Constitutional

Kansas is ranked number one for gun freedom, but Kansans still need to be responsible gunowners

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

Over the weekend, I decided to take a winter hike. If you live in Northeast Kansas, this isn’t unusual because the temperature is still usually bearable and in the summer there are so many ticks that you know better than to go hiking, making winter the opportune time to do so. I went to a secluded area around Perry Lake that is known for both hiking and camping. When I arrived at the trailhead it was just me and one other truck, belonging to who I assumed would be a hiker. However, as I went on my way up the trail, I came by a man, a woman, and a small child. The man was holding a hunting rifle, and they were clearly nervous to see me. They left soon after, and while I didn’t say anything at the time, I was really upset by what I saw.

For those unfamiliar with the area, there are tons of hunting grounds around. However, instead of going to one of those hunting grounds where it would have been much safer to shoot a gun, they knowingly chose to go on a trail designated specifically for hikers and campers. Sure, there are lots of deer in the area and sure, before I showed up, they were the only ones around. However, at any point, they could have shot out into the woods at what they perceived to be a deer only to accidentally wound or kill a human being.

Kansas is ranked number one in gun freedom out of all 50 states. As a Kansan and as a gunowner, I am proud of this fact, and I actively work to ensure that this remains the case. However, freedom is the thing that makes us powerful. If you’re a fan of Spider-Man, then you already know that “with great power comes great responsibility.” Being a gunowner means you need to take care and be responsible for your safety and the safety of others. Every gun death is a tragedy that anti-self-defense activists politicize and use as a talking point in their selfish attempt to take away people’s freedoms and grow the government bigger. Therefore, it is imperative, even in Kansas, that we ensure that we are being responsible gunowners. This includes hunting in proper areas and NOT on hiking trails. Being an irresponsible gunowner is just as selfish (and arguably more so) than being an anti-self-defense activist, and it should be shouted down at all times, especially by other gunowners.

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Ian Brannan

Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022. His work focuses on issues including abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more. He is also the co-host of the Remember COVID podcast.

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