The Kansas Constitutional

Pushing back against bad takes from the right regarding Juneteenth

Photo by Ronê Ferreira:

Governor Laura Kelly announced on Tuesday, October 10 that Kansas would join 28 other states and the District of Columbia in observing Juneteenth as an official state holiday.

“Juneteenth marks a significant point in our nation’s history and has long been celebrated in Kansas and across the United States,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Establishing Juneteenth as a state holiday provides Kansans an opportunity to celebrate our state’s diversity and honor the ongoing struggles for racial equality.”

However, many Kansans that appear more right of center were not thrilled by the announcement.

There are a few important things to understand about Juneteenth and Gov. Kelly. For one, Gov. Kelly has been elected twice as Kansas governor. This means she cannot run again for governor. So, the idea that she is doing this as a way to secure votes—especially when it’s not even an election year—is just a bad take that lacks any considerations for realty.

Second, Juneteenth, which has already been recognized as a federal holiday in 2021, “commemorates June 19, 1865, the day the last enslaved Americans received word that President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation to abolish slavery more than 2 years after the end of the Civil War.” True, this holiday was about the slaves in Texas, however, these slaves were still American slaves up until this point as they did not know about the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation. This day literally recognizes the end of slavery country-wide, and celebrating freedom for all is the most American thing we can do.

Gov. Kelly has recognized Juneteenth since 2020, issuing proclamations each year, and most states, including surrounding states like Nebraska, Missouri, and Colorado already recognize the holiday that has been around since 1866.

Sure, this may not be the most important issue that Kansas needs to focus on right now, but this is a victory in recognizing American history. Whether this has something to do with “Blacks being motivated by vapid, virtue signaling press releases” is debatable, as we don’t really know the intentions behind the announcement occurring now when, aside from local elections, there really doesn’t seem to be anything to gain from the announcement, and could very well just be Gov. Kelly finally taking the time to officially recognize it as a state holiday.

Regardless, I think this is a win for Kansas as we take steps to remember a historical day that celebrates the truly American idea of freedom for everyone. 

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Ian Brannan

Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022. His work focuses on issues including abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more. He is also the co-host of the Remember COVID podcast.

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