The Kansas Constitutional

Sens. Marshall, Braun introduce bill to reinstate pilots fired for refusing Covid-19 vaccine

Photo by Aman Uttam:

From leading the Travel Freedom Act which repeals federal policies requiring international travelers proof of Covid-19 vaccination status in order to enter the U.S., to successfully including an amendment in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, prohibiting the Department of Defense from forcing servicemembers to get the Covid-19 vaccine, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. (R) has been going against tyrannical policies surrounding Covid-19 championed by the Biden Administration.

Now, alongside Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN), the Senator from Kansas has introduced a new bill reinstating pilots fired for not complying with Covid-19 vaccine mandates.

“The Biden Administration’s ‘jab or job’ vaccine mandates will go down as a dark time in American history. Our legislation seeks to right the wrongs of this administration who forced hard-working American people out of not only their jobs, but their careers,” Senator Marshall said. “We will continue to fight for every American wronged by the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate that has impacted not only our pilots’ livelihoods but our servicemen and women, our children, small businesses, and beyond. Our bill is just one step of many to correct the wrongs of Joe Biden’s vaccine politics.”

Many airline pilots had lost their jobs after President Biden mandated through his executive authority in 2021 that all federal contractors, including airlines operating in the United States, must receive a Covid-19 vaccination.

“No one should have lost their job because they didn’t want to take the COVID vaccine. President Biden’s vaccine mandates were completely out of line and violated the liberties of key workers who are essential in daily operations of our skies. Cosponsoring this bill to restore fired pilots to their previously held jobs is a no brainer and will help bring this critical industry back to full capacity,” Senator Braun said.

The bill was introduced on Wednesday. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced the House version of this legislation that same day, as well.

“I am proud to co-lead this bill with Senator Marshall to bring justice to the pilots who were forced out of their livelihoods for bravely refusing to take the Covid vaccine. These pilots were denied their medical freedom and lost their jobs because of the tyrannical mandates. This bill will hold airlines accountable by requiring them to reinstate those pilots who were unjustly fired,” Representative Taylor Greene said.

This legislation will require the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to take any action necessary to return the jobs back to the pilots that refused to comply with the vaccine mandates.

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Ian Brannan

Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022. His work focuses on issues including abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more. He is also the co-host of the Remember COVID podcast.

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