The Kansas Constitutional

Trans man charged with battery after attempting to trip woman who expressed uneasiness over trans people in opposite sex bathrooms

LAWRENCE – A trans man has been charged with battery after attempting to trip a woman who expressed uneasiness for having trans people in opposite sex bathrooms. The battery took place on June 20, 2023, during a city commissioner meeting for Lawrence, KS. 

Amy Baughman, the woman who was tripped, had gone to speak out against the city’s plan to not enforce Senate Bill 180–a Kansas law passed earlier this year that would make it so Kansans will have to use the bathroom that matches their biological sex.   

“I just wanted to say to you all that I think it’s really wrong that you are allowing or thinking of allowing trans people to use the bathroom they wish they were the sex of,” Baughman said during public comment at the meeting. “It opens a plethora of problems and mishaps for people who don’t agree with that. You are asking for trouble, right along with the sheriff’s and LPD. Why not add more to the mix of the crap that they already deal with? Go ahead. Treat the majority like s**t, that’s what you always do.”

During her comment, Baughman targeted Lawrence mayor Courtney Shipley, saying Shipley is probably okay with not enforcing the law because she has “relation on the LPD that is gay or tranny.” She also mentioned commissioner Bart Littlejohn for bringing a toddler in a rainbow tutu who she believes is male to a recent drag queen story time. Littlejohn interrupted Baughman’s public comment, saying, “You can talk to me, that’s cool. Leave kids out of it. I signed up for this. I think that’s fair, right?” 

Baughman did not respond to Littlejohn, continuing on with her public comment where she mentioned the drag queen who hosted the story time, Deja Brooks.

“…the tranny who was helping the Boys and Girls Club raise money at Rock Chalk about a year ago.”

It was at this point people could be heard booing Baughman. 

She accused the commissioners of having a “hand in ruining our children” and “normaliz[ing] this.” She also claimed that Lawrence was losing a lot of citizens in the process and that she is “definitely looking to retire elsewhere.”

Another person could be heard in the background saying, “Me too.” To which Baughman responded, “Bite me.” She continued by stating that Lawrence is turning into a “disgusting cesspit.” 

One person clapped for Baughman as she took her seat after her comment. 

A trans woman spoke after Baughman, stating that “the lack of support contributes to the suicide rate in the trans community.”

It was after this statement that Baughman got up to leave. As she went through the door, Damian Elijah Pratt, a 21-year-old trans man, tried to trip her, which was caught on the county commissioner video. Lawrence police charged Pratt with battery for the crime.

Dr. Justin Spiehs, a friend of Baughman and a political target for the local media reached out to The Lawrence Times, informing the news outlet. 

“He got charged with batter for trying to trip someone with a different opinion at the city commission meeting last week. As he should be,” he wrote in a text. “Newsworthy to you? Would be if I had tried to trip one of you. But you never leave out half the story for convenience, right Mackenzie?”

Mackenzie Clark is the owner of The Lawrence Times. 

The Lawrence Times never responded to Dr. Spiehs or wrote an article on the incident. Dr. Spiehs sent a second text the following day. 

“Guess not. Your readers will conform their views to the half truths and misinformation you continue to publish. They are uninformed and that’s on you.”

The other news outlet, Lawrence Journal-World also did not report on the incident.

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Ian Brannan

Ian Brannan is an independent journalist who founded The Kansas Constitutional in April 2022. His work focuses on issues including abortion, Convention of States, drug policy, education, government, LGBT issues, media, and more. He is also the co-host of the Rainbow Rabble-Rousers podcast.

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